
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Feed store geometry


Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot. I'm a gray sort of person.

Anonymous said...

What a great building. Being raised on a farm, things like this really make me long for home.

MjM said...

Ha! What's next? Corralculus? Algebarn?



Karen McL said...

I *think* Ive SEEN this place.


(or something like it!)

Dave MacIntyre said...

Ahhhh wow! This is great! Has all the elements I love in a great photo. Top notch!

Andrea said...

mmmm, all those little squares really appeal to me.

ThomP said...

Love it. The barn man keeps everything grey, to help him through the day. Other colours he doesn't mind as long as they are decomposing...

Dana S. Whitney said...

Great composition. I like the colors best... even when they are almost unnoticeable.

merdinhas said...

Nice shot.

Anonymous said...

Ah, beautiful composition - almost like an abstract. Just wonderful.

Tricky Trev said...

Is this Abu Ghraib?

Willie Baronet said...

Oh my gollygosh, i like this.