Nope, not my real mailbox, but thanks for asking!
Here's what I'd like to swap, all one-to-one and the more local the better unless we agree otherwise.
Delicious or unusual-but-okay local jarred or canned/tinned spreads/dips (salsa, jelly, chutney, nut spreads, etc.)
Local newspapers -- like neighborhood news, "alternative" news, especially anything with recipes or bands/musicians listed.
Canned "very tasty" things, stuff that if you had to leave where you live you'd want to ship to your new home.
Cookbooks with local or regional specialties.
Old photos.
Local postcards, especially those touristy kinds.
Think locally, swap globally.
Gimme Your Stuff! I'll Give You Mine!
Done and done :)
shouldn't you be in bed young lady?
... if mailboxes could talk ...
(nice image)
if you're serious, you can contact me, and I'll send you stuff if you want.
I love your photo by the way.
I might have to get in on this after I take my long earned vacation. Sounds like a wicked idear.
I NEED SOME AUSSIE TIM TAMS! I haven't had a fix in months. I'm starting to get the shakes. That shit is like chocolate covered crack!
Trevor -- you may be on to something -- I just read this and YUM YUM YUM!!!
You want some free t-shirts? On the UT campus, there are a billion of them.
Timtams truly are the food of the gods.
You have to eat them with the special hot drink bite the ends off method to truly appreciate them!!! I have some in my cupboard... Any exchangers???
Rikki -- Will swap a jar of locally-made peach preserves for a box of TimTams (sweet for sweet.) There are just no brilliant boxed cookies here with enuf regional cachet to make it a cookie-for-cookie swap.
Ms. Ben, I've sent you a message through your Web sites' "contact me" feature...didja get it?
I'll do a swap soon enough. Sorry, but right now my life is way too hectic. I just sent a friend some music and that took me a week before I got the thing in the mail. In less than a fortnight I'm off on a massive roadtrip along the East coast of my United States. After my much-needed 2 week holiday is over, I will most certainly sign on for some goods swapping.
Since I live in a state exclusively known for the cactus, anything cactus related would depict the area in which I live. We have Prickly Pear Cactus Fruit or Prickly Pear Jam here if you'd be interested in trying some. I could also swap a local newspaper as well. Since school let out last week, I'm not sure, but I can try to get a copy of the College Times.It's "alternative" news that usually includes articles on local bands.(It’s distributed among the colleges and universities in the Ph
oenix area)
Moxie for Big Red? Sounds great!!
I do have to warn you... Moxie has a slightly bitter aftertaste. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread... but I'm told it's an aquired taste!!
I'm not exactly sure how to go about orchestrating this trade... but if you'd email me (lauralizzie@gmail.com) that'd be great!!
Laura (http://laura-lizzie.livejournal.com)
My name is Nikki and i'm from Australia (Brisbane) and i would love to do a swap with you. If you are keen leave me a msg at nicc79@blogspot.com
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