
Friday, September 01, 2006

Photo Friday: Silver

Now home, and now (having repaired my laptop) able to post something silvery. Thanks to everyone who stopped by earlier for your patience.

Per MB, you can find the newest Festival of the Trees here, with some links to supplement my Photo Friday focus on foliage:


Anonymous said...

I pray for "small glitches," being absolutely convinced that my system's anti-Semetic, as well as horribly biased against old, short Jewish guys from New York or that my old typewriter talks to my system and has seduced it into having me reinstall the operating system more frequently than I'd like: Twice in the last couple of weeks. (The confession here is that I've had a PC since IBM's "First Day Window," courtesy of my second ex-wife and am a closet geek. I'm eternally grateful for this heretofore considered marginal talent and wonder frequently how relatively inexperienced PC users resolve these challenges.)

And I miss your almost daily photos.

MB said...

Me too.

Love your entries in the Festival of the Trees, Lori!! Time for you to post a link!

amber said...

i think your outlook on life is quite unique and special Your photos are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Nice natural shot... well done.

Tricky Trev said...

"I speak for the trees!" and they say that your photos 'leave' the others lost in the woods! Nice to hear your Lapple is healthy again... :) <<<-Happy Mac

Dave MacIntyre said...

Very nice shot! I thought it was gravel when I first saw it, but the larger picture revealed the truth.