
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Loud star

"...The loud will take care of itself, and everyone will be able to say
What happened in that direction. But who is looking

The other way?..."

From "Some Extensions on the Sovereignty of Science" by Alberto Ríos


Dale said...

:-) ayup.

am said...

A yellow leaf on a shamel ash
On a clear day
In an Arizona winter,
A January like so many.
(Albert Rios)

On Martin Luther King Day -- Thanks so much for this wide open place you've created that holds so much with such grace, gravity and humor!

Ed Maskevich said...

I just finished watching a lone star Texan heading off in a new direction today. I like it better than his old direction.

MjM said...

Clicking on the full image 'bout took my breath away.

It's one thing to build it and buff it.

It's entirely another to frame it and share it.
