
Monday, June 02, 2008

1899 in disarray

"...Refractions of the thousand theatres, faces—
Mysterious kitchens. . . . You shall search them all. ..."

From "The Bridge: The Tunnel" by Hart Crane


Dale said...

Ah, now this one I get :->

R.L. Bourges said...

great post, Lori. Love the photo. Am bringing home Crane's poem and this great line from the piece on Crane and Lorca:

"bless the images
that stalk the corners of our sight
and will not let go"

I add: even if they play to the sound of Crane's " phonographs of hades in the brain" - when that happens to be the case.

Not easy, though. Not confortable either. More power to those with nicer songs and prettier pictures playing in their mind space. We don't get to choose the content - only what we do with it.


Granny J said...

Quite the facade! I note that it hides the corrugated iron roof. some sort of lesson there.